The first time they met is 180km away from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward. They arrive at Ba and return along the same road. The second time they are 260km away from A. how many kilometers are there between AB and a?

The first time they met is 180km away from A. after meeting, they continue to move forward. They arrive at Ba and return along the same road. The second time they are 260km away from A. how many kilometers are there between AB and a?


A and B start from a and B at the same time. For the first time, they meet at a distance of 75 km from a and continue to move on. After arriving respectively, they return to B for the second time, and then they are 55 km away from B
Meet to seek the distance between ab!
Let's talk about ideas. Let's see what's going on

When they met for the first time, they traveled a total distance of AB, of which car a traveled 75 kilometers;
When the two vehicles meet for the second time, they travel three times of the distance between AB and a, and car a travels 75 × 3 = 225 km;
It is known that the second meeting was 55 kilometers away from B, that is, when a car passed AB, the distance between the two places was 55 kilometers more;
The distance between AB is 225-55 = 170 km

Car a and car B are facing each other from a and B at the same time. When they meet for the first time, car a is 70 kilometers away from a, and then they continue to move on,
At the end of the second meeting, car a is 20 kilometers away from B. how many kilometers are there between a and B?

Suppose that the distance is x km, the first encounter, a and B two cars go together for X km, and the second encounter, a and B two cars go together for 2x km, which shows that the time of the second encounter is twice that of the first encounter. The distance of a car in the first encounter is 70 km, the distance of a car in the second encounter is X-70 + 20 = x-50 km, then x-50 = 70 * 2, x = 190 km

Party A and Party B are facing each other from AB, and they first meet 180 meters away from a,
The second meeting is 200 meters away from ground A. how many meters are there? Don't use equation
How many meters is the distance between AB and ab?
