The two cars start from AB and go towards each other. They meet 64 kilometers away from B. they continue to go along the original road and return to 48 kilometers away from A. then they meet again. The distance between the two meeting points

The two cars start from AB and go towards each other. They meet 64 kilometers away from B. they continue to go along the original road and return to 48 kilometers away from A. then they meet again. The distance between the two meeting points

After the second meeting, the two cars took three whole journey
The car in a (car a) took two trips, which was 48km less than the whole journey, while car B took one trip, which was 48km more than the whole journey
At the first meeting, the distance ratio of the two cars was - 64 / 64
At the second meeting, the distance ratio of the two cars is 2-48 / 48
Because the time is the same, the two ratios are equal
The solution is 144 km

The two trains leave each other from station a and station B at the same time. The first time they meet 40 kilometers away from station a, the two trains still advance at the same speed after meeting. They return immediately after each station, and then they meet 20 kilometers away from station B. how many kilometers is the distance between station a and station B?

The first encounter: a walked 40 km, the second encounter: 40 × 3-20, = 120-20, = 100 km; a: A and B are 100 km apart