Party A and Party B set out from a and B at the same time. Party A rode a bicycle and Party B rode a motorcycle. They were on the same route at the same time. They met three hours after departure. It is known that Party B walked 90 kilometers more than party a when they met. After meeting for one hour, Party B arrived at place A. what are the speeds of Party A and Party B? If the velocity of a is x km / h, the equation is If the velocity of B is x km / h, the equation is

Party A and Party B set out from a and B at the same time. Party A rode a bicycle and Party B rode a motorcycle. They were on the same route at the same time. They met three hours after departure. It is known that Party B walked 90 kilometers more than party a when they met. After meeting for one hour, Party B arrived at place A. what are the speeds of Party A and Party B? If the velocity of a is x km / h, the equation is If the velocity of B is x km / h, the equation is

First of all, we met three hours after the departure, and B walked 90 kilometers more than A. We know that B walked 30 kilometers more per hour. That is to say, B walked 30 kilometers faster than a
Let s be the distance between a and B
1. If the velocity of a is x, then the velocity of B is x + 30: which can be expressed as follows: 3 (3x + X + 30) = s; 4 (x + 30) = s
2. If the velocity of B is x, then the velocity of a is X-30. The following equation can be obtained: 3 (X-30) + 3x = s; 4x = s

Party A and Party B set out from a and B at the same time. Party A rode bicycles and Party B rode motorcycles along the same route. They met three hours later. It is known that Party B walked 90km more than party a when they met
After meeting for an hour, B arrives at a and asks how fast a and B are going
If the velocity of a is x km / h, the equation is as follows:________
If the speed of one is x km / h, the equation is as follows:__________

They met three hours later, and B walked 90km more than a, indicating that B's speed was 30km / h higher than a's, and then arrived one hour later. It can be considered that B's 1-hour journey is equal to a's 3-hour journey
1. If the velocity of a is x km / h, the following equation can be obtained:________
X + 30 = 3x, x = 15, that is 15km for a and 45km for B;
2. If the speed of one is x km / h, the equation is as follows:__________
3 (X-30) = x, calculate x = 45

When they meet, the distance of B is 3 / 5 of that of A. at this time, a travels 24km more than B. It is known that A
The whole journey takes 8 hours. How much can B do per hour?

The topic is not complete

Party A and Party B ride at the same time from AB and meet each other in 8 hours. If Party A travels less than 1 km per hour and Party B travels more than 3 km per hour, it will take 7 hours
Can meet, find the distance between AB and two places

=112 km