The speed of a's bicycle is AKM per hour, which is twice as fast as that of a's, but less than 3 per hour. When B meets a half an hour later, how many kilometers are there between a and B

The speed of a's bicycle is AKM per hour, which is twice as fast as that of a's, but less than 3 per hour. When B meets a half an hour later, how many kilometers are there between a and B

Speed of B: (a + 3) / 2 (km / h)
AB distance: (a + (a + 3) / 2) * 0.5 = 3 / 4A + 3 / 4 (km)
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A and B set out from a and B at the same time. A rode a bicycle and B rode a motorcycle. They drove at a constant speed along the same route. It is known that their speed ratio is 2:5, and they met at a distance of 10.5 kilometers from the midpoint of the two places. How many kilometers are there between a and B? If B arrives at a in 21 minutes after meeting, what are the speed of bicycle and motorcycle?

(1) If the distance between a and B is divided into 7 equal parts, then a will walk 2 equal parts, and B will walk 5 equal parts; if the distance between a and B is 10.5 × 2 = 21 (km), and B will walk 3 equal parts more than a, so each equal part is 21 △ 3 = 7 (km), so the distance between a and B is 7 × 7 = 49 (km) The distance is: 49 △ 2-10.5 = 24.5-10.5 = 14 (km), so the speed of B is: 14 △ 21 = 23 (km / min); the speed of a is: 23 × 25 = 415 (km / min); a: the speed of bicycle is 415 km / min; the speed of motorcycle is 23 km / min

The speed ratio of a and B is 3 to 4. It is known that a has traveled 1 / 3 of the whole journey and is 20 kilometers away from the meeting place
How many kilometers does a travel less than B when they meet

The travel ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:4
That is, a line: 3 / 7, B line: 4 / 7
The distance is: 20 / (3 / 7-1 / 3) = 210 km
When meeting, a travels less than B: 210 * (4 / 7-3 / 7) = 30 km

The distance between station a and station B is 20 km. Mingming starts from station a by bike at the speed of 15 km / h, and Yingying starts from station B by walking at the speed of 5 km / h
1. If they set out at the same time and walk towards each other, how many hours have they met?
2. If they set out at the same time and walk in opposite directions, how many hours have they been five kilometers apart?
3. If they go in the same direction, how many hours will they catch up with Yingying?
There is a process!!

1、 Let x hours meet in the same direction
Then: 15x + 5x = 20
2、 Set Y hours, the distance between two people is 5km
Then: 15y + 5Y = 20-5
3、 Set Z hour to catch up with Yingying
Then: 15z-5z = 20