A and B both go from a to B at the same time. A's walking speed is 4 km / h, B's cycling speed is 12 km / h, B arrives one hour earlier than a, B How far is it from the ground?

A and B both go from a to B at the same time. A's walking speed is 4 km / h, B's cycling speed is 12 km / h, B arrives one hour earlier than a, B How far is it from the ground?

Suppose AB is x, then the time from a to the destination is (x / 4), and the time from B to the destination is (x / 12)
The time of B is one hour less than that of a, so (x / 4) - (x / 12) = 1, and the solution is x = 6 km

A starts from a and walks to B at a speed of 5 km / h. After 1 hour and 12 minutes, B starts from a and chases a by bike. In order to catch up with a within 30 minutes, what's the minimum speed of B,

Simple! When B starts, a has already walked 5 x 1.2 = 6 km. After 30 minutes, that is 0.5 hours, a has walked 5 x 0.5 = 2.5 km. In this way, if B just catches up with a in 30 minutes, then the distance of a and B is 6 + 2.5 = 8.5 km. In other words, B should walk 8.5 km at least in 30 minutes

A and B both rode bicycles from a and B at the same time. It is known that a's speed is twice that of B's, less than 3 km / h. two hours later, the distance between them is 12 km / h
If the distance between them is the same after another two hours, the speed of a and B and the distance between a and B can be calculated

Suppose B's speed is x km / h, then a's speed is (2x-3) km / h. After 2 hours, the distance between two people is 12, then AB's distance is: A's journey plus B's journey plus 12 km, 2x + 2 (2x-3) + 12. After another 2 hours, two people are still at the same distance. A's journey + B's journey - 2 * 12 = AB's 2x + 2 (2x-3) + 12 = 4x +

Practice: Party A and Party B set out at the same time in AB, which is 12 kilometers away, and walk in the same direction. Party A walks 4 kilometers per hour, and the car is behind. The speed per hour is three times that of Party A. can party B catch up with Party A in a few hours?

A: it takes 1.5 hours for B to catch up with a