The speed of a and B is 17.5km/h and that of B is 15km / h When the distance is 32.5Km, what is the riding time for two people?

The speed of a and B is 17.5km/h and that of B is 15km / h When the distance is 32.5Km, what is the riding time for two people?

32.5 ÷ (17.5 + 15) = 1 hour

A and B ride bicycles from two places 65km apart. The speed of a is 17.5km/h, and that of B is 15km / h. how long does it take
Is the distance between a and B 32.5Km?
Ask the answer! Must use the equation! Thank you!

Let the time be x H
According to the meaning of the title:
A: slightly

The speed of a is 17.5km and that of B is 15km. After a few hours, the distance between a and B is 32.5Km?

(65 - or + 32.5) / (17.5 + 15)

The speed of the sword is 17.5km per hour, and the speed of B is 15km per hour
People get together 32.5Km

There are two cases
In the first case, the distance between the two people is 32.5Km. That is to say, the total distance between the two places minus the walking distance of Party A and Party B is 32.5Km. After t hours, the distance is 32.5Km: 65-17.5t-15t = 32.5, t = 1 (hours)
Another case is that two people continue to walk until they are 32.5Km apart after meeting. Then the total distance of two people walking overlaps two 32.5Km. Let's set 32.5Km apart after t hours: 17.5t + 15t-65 = 32.5, t = 3 (hours)
A: after one hour and three hours, the distance between them is 32.5Km