A takes one fifth more distance than B, while B takes one eighth more time. The speed ratio of a and B is ()

A takes one fifth more distance than B, while B takes one eighth more time. The speed ratio of a and B is ()

The distance that a takes is one fifth more than that of B, but the time that B takes is one eighth more than that of A. the speed ratio of a and B is (27:20)

A and B each take a certain distance. A takes 13 less distance than B, and B takes 18 more time than A. what is the speed ratio of a and B?

[(1-13) △ 1]: [1 △ 1 + 18] = 23:89 = 6:8 = 3:4 A: the speed ratio of a and B is 3:4

A takes 1 / 3 more distance than B, and B takes 1 / 4 more time,

Party A and Party B each walk for a while. Party A travels 1-4 more than Party B, and Party A travels 1-8 faster than Party B. what is the time ratio between Party A and Party B?

If the distance of B is s and the speed is V, then the distance of a is 5 / 4S and the speed is 9 / 8V
So the time of B is s / V, the time of a is 10 / 9 * (s / V)
So the time ratio of Party A and Party B is 10:9