On a main highway, there are two places a and B which are 480 meters apart. The fast and slow cars run from each other at the same time. They meet in six hours. The speed ratio of the fast and slow cars is 11:9. What's the speed of the two cars?

On a main highway, there are two places a and B which are 480 meters apart. The fast and slow cars run from each other at the same time. They meet in six hours. The speed ratio of the fast and slow cars is 11:9. What's the speed of the two cars?

It should be 480km, right?
Two vehicle speed sum = 480 △ 6 = 80 km / h
Fast train speed = 80 ÷ (11 + 9) × 11 = 4 × 11 = 44 km / h
Idle speed = 80-44 = 36 km / h

The road between the two cities is 210 km long. The two cars run from the two places at the same time and meet each other in 1.4 hours. The speed ratio of the two cars is 7:3,
How many kilometers per hour do the two cars travel?

Speed sum = 210 △ 1.4 = 150 km / h
Speed of car a = 150 △ 7 + 3 X7 = 105 km / h
Speed of vehicle B = 150 ÷ (7 + 3) X3 = 45 km / h

A and B start from a and B, 960 kilometers apart, and meet eight hours later. It is known that car a is 4 kilometers faster than car B per hour, so the speed of car a can be calculated
It's going to be right. I'll take it for you
See if yours is the same as mine

What is the speed sum of a and B cars
960 △ 8 = 120 (km)
Car a runs every hour
(120 + 4) △ 2 = 62 (km)

Party A and Party B face each other. Party A meets each other after 5 / 11 of the whole journey. Party A's speed is 4.5 kilometers per hour. Party B takes 11 / 2 hours to complete the whole journey. How far is the whole journey

According to the meaning of the title, V A: v b = 5:6
So v b = 5.4 km / h
So s = v b * t = 5.4 * 11 / 2 = 29.7 km