The speed ratio of a passenger car and a freight car is 3:2. The two cars leave from station a and station B at the same time. Four hours later, the two cars meet at 30km away from the midpoint, and station a and station B How many kilometers apart?

The speed ratio of a passenger car and a freight car is 3:2. The two cars leave from station a and station B at the same time. Four hours later, the two cars meet at 30km away from the midpoint, and station a and station B How many kilometers apart?

The speed ratio of the two cars is 3:2, and the distance of the two cars is 3:2 when they meet, that is, 3 / 5 of the whole journey of passenger cars and 2 / 5 of the whole journey of freight cars
So 30km is 3 / 5-1 / 2 = 1 / 10,
The whole journey is: 30 / (3 / 5-1 / 2) = 300km

Sixth grade math problem (encounter problem)
Party A and Party B start from two places at the same time and travel in opposite directions. Six hours later, the two cars meet. It is known that the speed ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:2. How much is the speed of the two cars? (according to my measurement, the distance between the two places is 4.6cm, and the scale is 1:6000000)

The distance between the two places is 4.6 * 6000000cm = 276km
The speed of a and B is
A 276 / 6 * 3 / 5 = 27.6 km / h
B 276 / 6 * 2 / 5 = 18.4 km / h

The passenger car and the freight car run from a and B at the same time. They meet each other in five hours. After meeting, the passenger car goes to B in three hours. It is known that the freight car travels 63 kilometers per hour, and how many kilometers per hour does the passenger car travel?

63 × 5 / 3, = 315 / 3, = 105 (km), answer: the bus travels 105 km per hour