The distance between the two places is 315km. The two cars run from each other at the same time and meet in 3.5 hours. The speed ratio of the two cars is 4:5 How many kilometers per hour do a and B cars travel?

The distance between the two places is 315km. The two cars run from each other at the same time and meet in 3.5 hours. The speed ratio of the two cars is 4:5 How many kilometers per hour do a and B cars travel?

Speed and 315 △ 3.5 = 90km
V a = 90x4 / 9 = 40km
V b = 90-40 = 50km

The distance between the two places is 315 kilometers. A and B cars leave from the two places at the same time. They meet in 3.5 hours. A car travels 10 kilometers less than B car per hour. How many kilometers does B car travel per hour? Solve the equation

If vehicle B travels x kilometers per hour, vehicle a travels X-10 kilometers per hour
Car a: 50-10 = 40 km

The distance between the two places is 315 meters. A and B cars leave from the two places at the same time. They meet in 7 / 2 hours. The speed ratio of a and B cars is 5:4, and a and B cars meet each other every hour
How many kilometers each?

A: 10 × 5 = 50 km / h
B: 10 × 4 = 40 km / h