A. B is 460 km away from the two places. Two hours after train a departs from a, train B departs from B and meets train a in four hours. It is known that train a travels 10 km more per hour than train B. how many kilometers does train a travel per hour on average?

A. B is 460 km away from the two places. Two hours after train a departs from a, train B departs from B and meets train a in four hours. It is known that train a travels 10 km more per hour than train B. how many kilometers does train a travel per hour on average?

If car a travels x kilometers per hour and car B travels X-10 kilometers per hour, then car B travels X-10 kilometers per hour, and the equation: the equation: 2x + (X-10 + x) × 4 = 460 & nbsp; the equation: the equation: 2x + (X-10 + x) × 4 = 460 & nbsp; and the equation: the equation: the equation: 2x + (X-10 + X-10 + x) × 4 = 460 & nbsp; and the equation: the equation: the equation: 2x + (X-10 + X-10 + X-10 + 10 + x) × 4 = 460 & nbsp; 460 & nbsp; and the following equation: the equation: the equation: the equation: the equation: 2x + (x (X-10 + X-10 + x-4 (X-10 + X-10 + 4 (X-10 + X-10 + X-10 + 4 = 460 (X-10 + 4 = 460) × 4 = 460 (x-4 = 460) × = 460& nbsp; & nbsp; &A: car a travels an average of 50 kilometers per hour

A. B is 360 kilometers apart. Party A and Party B start from a and B at the same time, and go towards each other. After two hours of meeting, car a travels 10 kilometers more than car B every hour
How many kilometers per hour do the two cars travel?
(solved by equation)

If vehicle B is x kilometers per hour, vehicle a is (x + 10) kilometers per hour
Lie equation
B 85 km per hour, a 95 km per hour

The bus from city a to city B takes 10 hours, and the truck takes 15 hours. The two cars leave each other from the two cities at the same time. When they meet, the bus runs 80 kilometers more than the truck. How far is the distance between city a and city B

1 / (1 / 10 + 1 / 15) = 6 hours
(80 / 6) / (1 / 10-1 / 15) = 400 km
The distance between a and B is 400 km

From city a to city B, it takes 10 hours for car a and 15 hours for car B. two cars drive from city a and city B at the same time. When they meet, car a travels 80 kilometers more than car B. how many kilometers is the distance between city a and city B?

1 / (1 / 10 + 1 / 15) = 6 hours
The distance between a and B is x km
The distance between a and B is 400 km