The distance between city a, B and C is 263.2 kilometers. A bus can complete the whole journey in 2.8 hours, and a truck can complete the whole journey in 3.5 hours. How fast is the speed of the bus faster than that of the truck?

The distance between city a, B and C is 263.2 kilometers. A bus can complete the whole journey in 2.8 hours, and a truck can complete the whole journey in 3.5 hours. How fast is the speed of the bus faster than that of the truck?

263.2 △ 2.8-263.2 △ 3.5, = 94-75.2, = 18.8 (km); answer: the speed of bus is 18.8 km faster than that of truck

The distance between city a, B and C is 263.2 kilometers. A bus can complete the whole journey in 2.8 hours, and a truck can complete the whole journey in 3.5 hours. How fast is the speed of the bus faster than that of the truck?

263.2 △ 2.8-263.2 △ 3.5, = 94-75.2, = 18.8 (km); answer: the speed of bus is 18.8 km faster than that of truck