The original number ratio of team a and team B was 7:3. After some people were transferred from team a to team B, the number ratio of team a and team B was 3:2. Team B now has 120 people, and team B has 120 people

The original number ratio of team a and team B was 7:3. After some people were transferred from team a to team B, the number ratio of team a and team B was 3:2. Team B now has 120 people, and team B has 120 people


The original number ratio of team a and team B is 7:3. After some people are transferred from team a to team B, the number ratio of team a and team B is 3:2. Team B has 120 people, and team B has 120 people

Team B now has 120 players. If the ratio of team a and team B is 3:2, team a now has 120 players × 3 / 2 = 180
Then there are 180 people + 120 people = 300 people in a and B teams
According to the original number ratio of team a and team B is 7:3, the original number of team B is 300 × 3 / 10 = 90

The original number ratio of team a and team B is 7:3. After team a is transferred to team B, the number ratio of team a and team B is 3:2. Team B has 120 people. How many people are transferred from team a to team B?

Team a still has 120 * 3 / 2 = 180 people, that is, a total of 120 + 180 = 300 people
The original ratio was 7:3, so there were 210 people in team a, so the number of people in team a was 210-180 = 30

The original number ratio of team a and team B is 7:3. After selecting some people from team a to team B, the number ratio of team a and team B is 3:2. Team B now has 120 people,
How many people have been transferred from team a?

Now the number of team a is 120 × 3 / 2 = 180
Total number of team a and team B = 180 + 120 = 300
The original number of team a = 300 × 7 / (7 + 3) = 210
210-180 = 30 transferred from team a