The average speed of the car in the first 10 km is 40 km / h, and the average speed in the last 10 km is 50 km / h

The average speed of the car in the first 10 km is 40 km / h, and the average speed in the last 10 km is 50 km / h

Now calculate the time of the first ten kilometers and the last ten kilometers, add the two times, and then remove the total distance from the time used The reason is that speed equals total distance divided by time

The speed of the first 25 km is 20 m / s, and that of the second 25 km is 10 m / s. what is the average speed of the car on this 50 km highway?

25000 / 20 = 1250 (seconds)
25000 / 10 = 2500 (seconds)
50000 / (1250 + 2500) = 13.33 (M / s)

The scale of a map is 1:500000, the length of a road on the map is about 10cm, and the speed of a car is 50km / h
How long does it take to finish the journey? The equation is solved

Let the actual distance be x cm
500000 cm = 50 km
Time: 50 △ 50 = 1 hour

Car a and car B are driving on the same straight road. Car a moves at a constant speed of V = 10m / s. when passing station a, turn off the throttle and move forward at a constant deceleration of a = 4m / s, then start from the same station a with a constant acceleration of a = 1m / s in the same direction after 2S. How long does it take car B to catch up with car a?

Because a decelerates, it stops in 2 and 5 seconds. B accelerates, which is equal to a's stopping displacement. 1 / 2 times 1, times the square of T, = A's displacement = 10 / 2 times 2.5 seconds, then t = 5 seconds