For a highway, it takes 15 hours for car a to complete the whole journey, and it takes 12 hours for car B to complete the whole journey? After three hours, it is 352km away. How many kilometers is this highway 3Q

For a highway, it takes 15 hours for car a to complete the whole journey, and it takes 12 hours for car B to complete the whole journey? After three hours, it is 352km away. How many kilometers is this highway 3Q

Method 1
Method 2
The road is x km,
Then (x / 15 + X / 12) X3 + 352 = x
X = 640 km

A and B drive from a to B at the same time. When a finishes 13 o'clock, B is 60 kilometers away from B. at this speed, when a arrives at B, B finishes 67. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

A: the distance between a and B is 84 km

A and B drive from a to B at the same time, one third of a's car, and B's car is 60 kilometers away from B. when a arrives at B, B completes 6 / 7 of the whole journey, and ab is thousands of meters away?
(do not exceed the equation of level 6)
Don't bother to answer 3Q! OK, OK

Let the velocity of a be x, the velocity of B be y, the time between a and B be t AB, the distance between a and B be Z km. According to the second sentence, we can get XT = Z, YT = 6 / 7z, then we can get y = 6 / 7X, then we can get y = 6 / 7X, then we can get t 2XT 2 = 1 / 3Z, YT 2 = z-60 when a goes to 1 / 3

A and B vehicles leave AB at the same time and meet 40 km away from the midpoint in a few hours. It is known that a vehicle runs for 8 hours and B vehicle runs for 10 hours

The speed ratio is 10:8 = 5:4
That is, when they meet, a takes 5 / 9 of the total length and B takes 4 / 9 of the total length
overall length:
2 × 40 ÷ (5 / 9-4 / 9) = 720km