The distance between the two trains is 40% of the total length of the railway between the two cities after running for 2.4 hours. It is known that the speed of train a is 20% faster than that of train B. train B runs 45 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers is the total length of the railway between the two cities?

The distance between the two trains is 40% of the total length of the railway between the two cities after running for 2.4 hours. It is known that the speed of train a is 20% faster than that of train B. train B runs 45 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers is the total length of the railway between the two cities?

[45 + 45 × (1 + 20%)] × 2.4 ^ (1-40%), = (45 + 45 × 120%) × 2.4 ^ 60%, = (45 + 54) × 2.4 ^ 60%, = 99 × 2.4 ^ 60%, = 396 (km); a: the whole journey is 396 km

The two trains run from two cities with a distance of 1200 km at the same time. After 10 hours, the two trains meet. It is known that the speed of car a is 5 / 7 of that of car B. how many kilometers does car B travel per hour,

Let B travel x kilometers per hour
A: B: 70 kilometers per hour