When a car goes from a to B, the speed is 60 km / h for going and 80 km / h for coming back. The average speed for going back and forth is 70 km / h

When a car goes from a to B, the speed is 60 km / h for going and 80 km / h for coming back. The average speed for going back and forth is 70 km / h

=480 / 7 km / h

A and B set out from a and B respectively and went opposite each other. When they met, 55% of a's journey was more than 3.5 kilometers. B just walked 12 times of a's journey. How many kilometers did B travel when they met?

3.5 △ (21 + 2-55%) × 13, = 3.5 △ (23-1120) × 13, = 3.5 △ 760 × 13, = 3.5 × 607 × 13, = 10 (km); a: B traveled 10 km when he met

When they met, a walked 12.5 kilometers more than B. they knew that one third of the distance a traveled and one third of the distance b traveled
Party A and Party B go out from ab at the same time and walk towards each other. When they meet, Party A walks 12.5 kilometers more than Party B. It is known that one third of the distance traveled by Party A and three fourths of the distance traveled by Party B are equal. How many kilometers are there between AB and Party B

The distance of line a: the distance of line B = 3 / 4:1 / 3 = 9:4
12.5 ÷ (9-4) / (9 + 4) = 32.5Km
The distance between the two places is 32.5Km

Party A and Party B travel from AB to each other. When they meet, the distance traveled by Party A is 1.5km more than twice that of Party B, and the distance traveled by Party B is 5 / 2 of that of Party A?

5 / 2? Is it 2 / 5?
Distance: 1.5 ÷ (1-2 / 5 × 2) = 7.5km
Route B: 7.5 × 2 / 5 = 3km
Distance between the two places: 7.5 + 3 = 10.5km