The distance between a and B is 108 km. How many hours does it take for a car to arrive from a city to B city at the speed of 15 m / S?

The distance between a and B is 108 km. How many hours does it take for a car to arrive from a city to B city at the speed of 15 m / S?

∵ v = st, v = 15m / S = 15 × 3.6km/h = 54km / h, ∵ t = SV = 108km, 54km / h = 2H. A: it takes 2 hours from city a to city B

55% of the journey from city a to city B is 108 km. How many km is the distance between city a and city B


A car from a city to B city, 3 hours driving 108 kilometers, with the same speed and 1.5 hours to reach B city, a city to B city how many kilometers

It's x kilometers from city a to city B

The speed of a bus from a to B is 55 km, and that of a truck from B city to a city is 45 km / h. When the bus meets, the truck will travel 80 km less than the bus. How many kilometers will the bus travel to B city after the bus meets

The speed of the bus is 55 km / h, and the bus goes to B; the speed of the truck is 45 km / h, and the bus goes to a; when meeting, the truck runs 80 km less than the bus, what does this condition mean? The speed difference between the two cars is 55-45 = 10 km / h, and the bus runs 10 km more than the truck every hour; when meeting, the bus runs more than the truck