The distance between a and B is 274 kilometers. A bus runs 95 kilometers per hour from a place. After a period of time, it is 84 kilometers away from B place. How many hours has this bus been running?

The distance between a and B is 274 kilometers. A bus runs 95 kilometers per hour from a place. After a period of time, it is 84 kilometers away from B place. How many hours has this bus been running?

(274-84) △ 95 = 190 △ 95 = 2 (hours). A: this bus has been running for 2 hours

The total length of Shanghai Nanjing Expressway is about 275 km. A car and a bus leave from Shanghai and Nanjing at the same time. The speed ratio of car and bus is 6:5. How many kilometers did the car and bus travel when they met?

The speed ratio is 6:5, and the distance ratio is 6:5275 × 66 + 5 = 150 (km) 275 × 56 + 5 = 125 (km). A: when we met, the car traveled 150 km and the bus 125 km

The total length of Shanghai Nanjing Expressway is about 270 km. A car and a bus start from Shanghai and Ningbo at the same time and run opposite each other for one hour
At 30 minutes, the two cars met on the way. Knowing that the car travels 20 kilometers more per hour than the bus, how much is the speed of the two cars
On March 21, 2013, if the answer is successful and meets the requirements, it can be set as a satisfactory answer.

Speed and speed: 270 △ 1.5 = 180 km / h
Bus: (180-20) △ 2 = 80 km / h
Car: 80 + 20 = 100 km / h

There are 64 pieces of RMB with 5 jiao, 1 yuan and 5 yuan, a total of 123.5 yuan. The number of pieces with 5 jiao and 5 yuan is equal. How many pieces of each of the three kinds of RMB
Another question: how many turtles and cranes are there on the grass in the zoo? There are 25 more cranes than turtles. There are 272 feet of turtles and cranes. How many turtles and cranes are there? How many more cranes are there than turtles,

Let five angles and five elements be x sheets, and one element be y sheets. The quadratic equation of one element is given
0.5x+y+5x=123.5 2x+y=64
The solution is x = 17, y = 30
Then 5 jiao and 5 yuan each 17, 1 yuan 30