An express train is 160 meters long, and a local train is 170 meters long. If two trains are running in opposite directions, it takes 33 seconds to catch up with the local train from the express train

An express train is 160 meters long, and a local train is 170 meters long. If two trains are running in opposite directions, it takes 33 seconds to catch up with the local train from the express train

There is something wrong with this question. Please look at the question again. I didn't tell you the location of the two cars
Assuming that the fast train is at the end of the slow train at the beginning and the fast train is at the end of the slow train when catching up, it only means that the fast train is 10 m / s faster than the slow train and the speed can't be calculated

The length of the fast and slow trains is 200 meters and 300 meters respectively, and they run in opposite directions. The time for people on the slow train to see the fast train passing through this person's window is 8 seconds, while the time for people on the fast train to see the slow train passing through this person's window is 8 seconds______ Seconds

It takes 12 seconds for a person on the express to see the slow train passing through his window

The fast train is 50 meters long and the slow train is 80 meters long. The speed of the fast train is twice that of the slow train. The passengers on the slow train see the fast train passing the window for 5 seconds,
Q: how many seconds did the passengers on the express see the local train passing the window?
Please give a detailed formula, which can be solved by linear equation of one variable

80 / (V1 + V2) = 8 seconds

The two trains are 150 meters long and 200 meters long. They are running opposite each other on a straight track. People on the fast train see the slow train passing the window in 8 seconds. People on the slow train see the fast train passing the window in a few seconds
The fast train and the slow train are 150 meters and 200 meters long respectively. They run opposite each other on the straight track. If the time for people on the fast train to see the slow train passing the window is 8 seconds, what is the time for people on the slow train to see the fast train passing the window?

Speed sum = 200 / 8 = 25m / S
So the time for people on the local train to see the express passing the window is 150 / 25 = 6 seconds