The railway from a to B is 675km long. A train leaves from a to B at 5:30pm on the first day, with an average of 45km per hour When does the train arrive at B?

The railway from a to B is 675km long. A train leaves from a to B at 5:30pm on the first day, with an average of 45km per hour When does the train arrive at B?

Ice cream biscuits,
Travel time: 675 △ 45 = 15 (hours)
Arrival time: 15 + 17:30-24 = 8:30, that is, 8:30 the next day

The railway between a and B is 840 km long. A train leaves from a to B at 5:30 p.m. on the first day, with an average of 70 km per hour. When does the train arrive at B?

840 △ 70 = 12 (hours), 5:30 + 12 hours = 17:30, a: the train arrives at B at 17:30

The railway between a and B is 840 km long. A train leaves from a to B at 5:30 p.m. on the first day, with an average of 70 km per hour. When does the train arrive at B?

840 △ 70 = 12 (hours), 5:30 + 12 hours = 17:30, a: the train arrives at B at 17:30