How many kilometers did a car travel at the same speed for another three hours

How many kilometers did a car travel at the same speed for another three hours

2 hours = 160 minutes
100 km / 160 min = 5 / 8 km / min
3 hours = 180 minutes
5 / 8 km / min * 180 min = 225 / 2 km = 112.5 km
112.5km + 100km = 212.5km

How many hours does it take for a car to travel 160 km in 4 hours at this speed of 480 km

It takes x hours to travel 480km at this speed

To build a 120 km long road, 20 km was built in the first four days. At this speed, how many days will it take to finish the road? (equation)

The solution takes X days to complete
24-4 = 20 (days)
A: it will be finished in 20 days