On the map with a scale of 1:35 million, the length of the railway from Beijing to Hangzhou is 4.7 cm. How many kilometers is the actual length of the railway? (in two ways)

On the map with a scale of 1:35 million, the length of the railway from Beijing to Hangzhou is 4.7 cm. How many kilometers is the actual length of the railway? (in two ways)

Method 1: 4.7 ÷ 135000000, = 4.7 × 35000000, = 164500000 (CM); 16450000cm = 1645km; method 2: assuming the actual length of the railway is xcm, then: 4.7: x = 1:35000000, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 4.7 × 35000000, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

On a map with a scale of 1:3000000, the distance between Shanghai and Hangzhou is 6cm. On another map with a scale of 1:3000000, the distance between Shanghai and Hangzhou is 6cm
On a map with a scale of 1:30000000, the distance between Shanghai and Hangzhou is 6cm. On another map with a scale of 1:5000000, what is the distance between the two places?
I want arithmetic and proportional solutions

Actual distance = 3000000x6 = 18000000 cm
Map distance = 18000000 / 5000000 = 3.6cm