It takes 30 liters of gasoline for a car to drive 180 kilometers. How many liters of gasoline does it take to drive 480 kilometers

It takes 30 liters of gasoline for a car to drive 180 kilometers. How many liters of gasoline does it take to drive 480 kilometers

Per liter line:
180 △ 30 = 6 (km)
480 km to:
480 △ 6 = 80 (L)

A car needs 12 liters of gasoline to travel 180 kilometers. How many kilometers can a liter of gasoline travel?

A liter of gas can travel 15 kilometers. Isn't that easy?

As shown in the figure, when a and B vehicles are driving on the road, it is known that ∠ 1 + ∠ 2 = 180 °
Is the angle of car a turning right the same as that of car B turning left? Why

It's the same, because the equal angle or the complementary angle of the same angle is equal. This is what our teacher just taught today. If it's right, remember to give points, hee hee

The highway between a and B is 120 kilometers long. A car drives from a to B. It takes 2 / 5 of the whole journey in the first hour and 1 / 4 of the whole journey in the second hour. At this time, how many kilometers are there from B should be listed in the equation
