Fourth grade 53 times 168-53 times 68, how to calculate easily?

Fourth grade 53 times 168-53 times 68, how to calculate easily?


How to simply calculate 26 times 187 plus 169 times 2


Simple calculation of 160-169 / 13 * 7



The cardinal number is twenty thirty forty fifty six seven eight nine one hundred
The ordinal number word is not one hit, the method is
From the 20th to the 99th, the form of the tens of integers is composed of the corresponding cardinal word, the ending letter Y is changed to ie, and "th" is added, Third first thirty first fifty sixth seven third ninty ninth
The ordinal of 100 is one hundredth

Who can tell me to use English ordinal words from 1 to 21 -- '! Including 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 10000
Can you tell me an ordinal number from 1 to 21 -- '! Including 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 10000
The cardinal number word also needs Oh, er-

one first
two second
three third
Except for 11, 12, 13
Everything else is regular, followed by th
twenty-one 21st
twenty-two 22nd
twenty-three 23rd

English ordinals 1 ~ 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tentheleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth .twentiethtwenty-first twenty=second ....

2 and 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90?

2nd second
20th twentieth
30th thirtieth
40th fortieth
50th fiftieth
60th sixtieth
70th seventieth
80th eightieth
90th ninetieth

Ordinal: 8 9 12 20 21 30 80 99 cardinal: 1234567890 in English

1. Ordinal number: 8 eighty9 ninth12 twelfth20 twentieth21 twenty-first 30 thirtieth80 eightieth99 nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine. Cardinal number: 1234567890 one bill, two hundred and thirty four million, five hundred and six

What is the greatest common factor of 78 and 117

The greatest common divisor of 78 and 117 is 39
The least common multiple is 234
Good luck and goodbye

What is the greatest common factor of 78 and 26

Because 78 = 3 × 26, the greatest common factor of 78 and 26 is 26