Calculation of median Number of reading group (f) 2-4 8 5-7 25 8-10 40 11-13 16 14-16 5 Total 94 How to calculate the median of this group of data? I still don't understand the answer downstairs... Can you be more specific. 47 why is 8-10?

Calculation of median Number of reading group (f) 2-4 8 5-7 25 8-10 40 11-13 16 14-16 5 Total 94 How to calculate the median of this group of data? I still don't understand the answer downstairs... Can you be more specific. 47 why is 8-10?

All the numbers are arranged from small to large, the median position = 94 / 2 = 47, which means that the number read by the 47th person in this group is the median. That is, the median is 8-10. The median = 8 + (94 / 2-33) / 40 * 2 = 8.7

How to find the median
Two quick

Arrange a group of data in order of size. The middle data is the median. If it is even, take the average of the middle two numbers. This is the method to calculate the median

A simple method for finding median
It's not continuous

Teach you a relatively simple way to calculate the median
First of all, how many numbers are there in your data set
If it's odd, for example: 7
Then arrange your data from large to small or from small to large
The number we just calculated is 4. From the arranged data, the fourth is the median of this group
If it is even, for example: 8 [excluding data with decimal point]
8÷2=4 4+1=5
It is different from the odd data algorithm just before, but the result is the same. The same method is applicable to the odd and even numbers of all natural integers. If there are decimal points, please arrange them by yourself. If you know the number of data, you can know the median

If a group of data, a number repeated, how to find the median of this group of data
For example, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25, 30, 30, 30, 30, 100

It can be as follows:
10,< 15< 20< 25=25< 30=30=30=30=30< 100
So the median of this group of data is 30
In other words, put

Triangle plus triangle plus circle plus circle equals 45, circle equals the sum of three triangles

Because Δ + Δ + O + o = 45, o = Δ + Δ + Δ, so 3O = O + o = Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ + Δ = 9 Δ, so Δ + Δ + O + o = 11, Δ = 45 / 11, o = 3, Δ = 135 / 11, this should be a primary school topic? Is there a problem with the topic data? There should be no score if it is Δ + Δ + O + o = 44

A triangle plus a circle is equal to 24, and a circle is equal to the sum of three triangles. How many triangles are equal to? How many circles are equal to?

Let a triangle be x, then a circle be 3x
A: a triangle equals 6 and a circle equals 18

A triangle with a circle row is equal to 60, four triangles are equal to a circle, how many triangles are equal to? How many circles are equal to?


If you want to add 141 to the symbol of three triangle lines and three circle lines, how many numbers does a triangle equal? How many numbers does a circle line equal?
Please help as soon as you know,

There are countless solutions to this problem

Three triangles and two circles are equal to 78. What number does a triangle represent and what number does a circle represent?

I don't know the grade of mathematics, so I think x and y are all greater than 0 and belong to integers
Let X be a triangle number and y a circle number
3 * x + 2 * y = 78, we can get x = 26-2 * y / 3, so as long as y is divisible by 3, we can get y if 26-2 * y / 3 > 0

Three triangles + two circles = 78 two triangles + three circles = 72 question: what is the number of triangles and what is the number of circles?

Six triangles + four circles = 78 * 2 = 156
Six triangles + nine circles = 72 * 3 = 216
Five circles = 216-156 = 60
One circle = 12
Three triangles + 12 * 2 = 78
Three triangles = 78-24 = 54
One triangle = 18