Fill in + - × / in "Kou" to make the sentence true. 7,7,7 = 49,7 = 56,6 Fill in + - × / in "Kou" to make the sentence true 7 port 7 = 49 port 7 = 56 port 7 port 3 = 63 port 21 = 42 port 10 port 48 Port 6 = 10 port 8 = 18

Fill in + - × / in "Kou" to make the sentence true. 7,7,7 = 49,7 = 56,6 Fill in + - × / in "Kou" to make the sentence true 7 port 7 = 49 port 7 = 56 port 7 port 3 = 63 port 21 = 42 port 10 port 48 Port 6 = 10 port 8 = 18

× + +
- x -
+ ÷ +
I'm tired of typing characters on my cell phone,

What is the median of 39 24 55 68 38 42 45 31 54 44 47 57 56 29 34 48 63 45 39?


Find the median, mode and average of 39,24,55,68,38,42,45,31,54,44,47,57,56,29,34,48,48,63,45,39

Average 43.12
Mode 48
Median 44

53,43,54,55,57,52,86,24,57,69,47,57,59,55,16,41,57,53,52,52 the average, median and mode of the data are respectively []
The above data is the number of 20 tomato plants in the experimental field, which data represents the number of tomato seedlings is more appropriate. If the number of tomato seedlings is below 40 or above 80, how about the growth of these 20 tomato seedlings.

Average 51.95
The median was 53.5
Mode 57
The average represents the number of this kind of tomato seedlings
The 20 tomato seedlings grew well