The decimal point of a decimal is moved one place to the left, and the number obtained is 2.52 less than the original number. This decimal is______ .

The decimal point of a decimal is moved one place to the left, and the number obtained is 2.52 less than the original number. This decimal is______ .

2.52 ÷ (1-110), = 2.52 ÷ 910, = 2.8; answer: the decimal is 2.8, so the answer is: 2.8

Since 27 is the () number of 54, 27 is the () number of 52 and 27

Since 27 is the (divisor) number of 54, 27 is the (common divisor) number of 52 and 27
Hope to help you!
If you don't understand, please ask. I wish you progress in your study!

Take any 27 numbers from 1 to 50, and two of them must add up to get 52. Why?
There has to be a reason,

The sum of the two numbers gives 52
There were 24 groups
In this way, 1 and 26 are useless
If you take any 27 numbers, you have to take at least 25 numbers from the above 24 groups, so there must be a pair
Therefore, it can be solved
I'm tired of coding

The number 28 less than 80% of a number is 52. What's the number

let the number equal to x
then x×(80%)-28=52
so x=100