The middle of the three continuous natural numbers is a, and the other two are (), ()

The middle of the three continuous natural numbers is a, and the other two are (), ()

The two numbers are A-1 and a + 1
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Three continuous natural numbers, the middle one is a, what is the sum of these three numbers?


Three continuous natural numbers, the middle one is a, the other two are () and ()

Three continuous natural numbers, the middle one is a, the other two are (A-1) and (a + 1)

English translation
Ah, junior high school walk - in students have to use English to answer questions in the interview, is this still China
Because to be used for the interview, so please pay attention to the accuracy of translation, it is best to review after completion
In addition, please be modest in your attitude and words
=====Here is the translation===
I feel that I can enrich my vocabulary and practice my grammar and oral English by keeping a diary. For example, if I am happy today, I will write something that makes me happy and why it makes me happy. In my mind, it is Chinese. In the process of translating them into English and writing them down, there will always be some new words that I have not learned, and I will take them into my own vocabulary, And also can exercise their organizational skills and grammar, naturally also exercise oral English

I think it can enrich my vocabulary by keeping a diary, exercise their own grammar and speaking such as I today's mood is happy, so I'm going to put something make me

Translation from Chinese to English
My favorite food is hawthorn slice, because it is very nutritious

My favourite food is haw slices because they are nutritive.

English translation

January December: January February March April May June August September November December
Color: colour
Red: Red
Blue: Blue
Purple: Purple
Green: Green
Brown: Brown
Black: Black
White: white
(week) monday-7: mondey tuesdee Wednesday Thusday
Friday Saturday Sunday

English translation

Regional subsidies

He is 12 years old

He is twelve.
He is twelve years old.

English translation 12
12.W:Wow,look at all these old books on this shelf. They've got to be at least one hundred years old. I'll bet they worth a lot to collectors.
M:Well. they've got a lot of sentimental value for me, but that's about it.

W: Wow Look at the old books on the shelf. They are at least 100 years old. I bet they are of great value to collectors
M: Yes, they mean a lot to me, but that's all

English translation
The economic income mainly depends on working outside and animal husbandry
There are 1 orphan, 78 five guarantees, 45 disabled, 11 poverty-stricken families and 7 rural residents

The economic income of the village manily comes from animal husbandry and working in other places.In the village there are 456 people working in other places,accounting for 1 person of each family.There are 1 orphan,78 old persons with public insurance,45 handicaped,11 families in very poverty and 7 people in limited insurance in the village.