English translation three hundred and four thousand six hundred and seventy-three

English translation three hundred and four thousand six hundred and seventy-three

three hundred and four thousand six hunderd and seventy three

(1) (3,5) (7,9,11) (13,15,17,19) according to the law, which group is 2009

There are 1005 odd numbers from 1 to 2009. According to the natural number accumulation formula n = n * (n + 1) / 22010 > = n * (n + 1), the solution is n = 45.3, taking n = 46

1 + 1,2 + 3,3 + 5,4 + 7,1 + 9,2 + 11,3 + 13,4 + 15,1 + 17


(3,5)(7,9,11)(13,15,17,19)… , then the number 2011 is in the () group

In group 44
2011 is the number 1005; group 43 is up to the number 989; group 44 has 45 numbers; 989 + 45 = 1034 > 1005; therefore, it is in group 44

English translation
0.0 is the number zero zero!

Zero. That's OK. It's really no good. Let's say zero point zero

English translation
cluttered with wire baskets full of papersand brightly colored flyers taped to its front.
Don't just give me a translation. I have a Chinese version, but I can't understand why it's translated like this - 0, Flyer - is there any other meaning besides pilots, flying insects and advertisements~
OK, 1L =, I think what I said is quite clear. Could you have a look at the problem, please

"Cluttered with" is a past participle phrase as an attribute. Full of papersand is actually which is full of papersand modifies wire baskets

They have lived here for ten years

they have been living here for 10 years

English translation
It is very important for us to ( )( )( )( )our lives

It is very important to take in charge of our life.

Our life is richer than before

The richness of life is called colorful life
It's not abundant, it's not rich
We are now living a more colorful life.

What is your school life like

How is your school life? = what does your school life like? = what do you think of your school life? = how do you like your school life