In natural number (0), including 1 and (), ()

In natural number (0), including 1 and (), ()

Natural numbers include zero and all positive integers

A pair of twins quarreled over watching TV

Tom and Jack are twins.They 're so happy,because today is Staturday.But finally they quarreled because of one small thing.Tom is a sports lover.He wants to watch the" The Asian Games "on live while Jac...

The same as
I'm sorry

Be the same as
Your shirt is the same as mine
Your shirt is the same as mine

This is the same book he bought last week

it is the same book that he bought last week

Xiao Ming is as tall as Li Qiang
Xiao Ming is as tall as Li Qiang

Xiao Ming is the same height as Li Qiang

He doesn't think it's necessary for friends to be the same

He thinks that it isn't neccesary for friends to be the same.
He believes that it isn't neccesary for friends to be the same.
He thinks that it is unneccesary for friends to be the same.
He believes that it is unneccesary for friends to be the same.

The twins look as like as two peas English.
The twins look as like as two peas.
The twin brothers ______ ______ ______ ______ .

look like the same

The twins look as like as two peas.

This twin brothers look almost the same.

English translation
Only write in English

the twins' mother

The twins always go to school at the same time

The twins alwanys go to school at the same time.