1/(1/20+1/21+1/22+1/23+...+1/38+1/39) What's the integral part of?

1/(1/20+1/21+1/22+1/23+...+1/38+1/39) What's the integral part of?

double c = 20;
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
sum += 1 / (c + i);
Console.WriteLine (1/sum);
one point four seven zero two three seven two zero two eight six one three three
It should be 1

What is the result of three 2002 digit operations 99.9 × 88.8 / 66.6? What are the characteristics? How to calculate?

Original formula = 3 × 33.3 × 2 × 44.4 / (2 × 33.3)
33.3 × 2 in the middle of the molecule and the denominator disappear
Original formula = 3 × 44.4 = 133... 32
2003, middle 2001, 3

