Change Du Fu's "climbing high" into prose form, about 300 words

Change Du Fu's "climbing high" into prose form, about 300 words

In the autumn of the second year of Dali, I lingered on Kuizhou's sickbed. I was very tired and sick. Every autumn, I wanted to follow the ancient people's example and write Fu
If you climb high, the wind will cut your face like a sharp knife, whistling and whistling. The wind will be strong and the hair will start. The body will be light and people will fall. The cry of the pitiful ape will be heard all the time, and it will be heard in the valley. Standing and looking far away, you can see Qingzhu in the middle of the river, the sand is white, gulls and herons are flying low, and they can't go away. They don't know where to go, There is no one to depend on. The waves of the river are endless. Zi said in chuanshang, "time passes like this, day and night."
I wander thousands of miles away and live in other places all the year round. I feel more sad about this autumn scene. However, I am old and frail. I am sick and ill inside, and I am alone outside. Today, I am lonely and desolate
Whine, lament the hard times, hate the white head, want to borrow wine and sell sorrow, and have no baht to sell

About 600 words about Du Fu
As long as it's not the answer on Baidu Encyclopedia, I accept it~
To put it simply, it is to evaluate such a person as Du Fu~
Can anyone give me three profiles?

Du Fu and Li Bai are called "Li Du" together. In order to distinguish them from Li Shangyin and Du Mu, the other two poets, that is, "little Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai are also called "big Li Du", and Du Fu is also often called "old Du". Du Fu and Du Mu are distant clansmen, and they are descendants of Du Yu, the great general who defeated Wu in Jin Dynasty (Du Fu is the 20th grandson of Du Yu), However, after the research of later generations, his works eventually had a far-reaching impact on Chinese literature and Japanese literature [2]. About 1500 of his poems have been preserved, and his works collection is "collection of Du Gongbu". His influence on Chinese classical poetry is very far-reaching, and he is called "sage of poetry" by later generations, and his poems are also called "history of poetry" [3]
The core of his thought is Confucianism. He has the grand ambition of "to the Emperor Yao and Shun, and then to make the customs pure". He loves life, the people, and the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. He is jealous of evil, criticizing and exposing the corruption of the imperial court and the dark phenomena in social life. He studied and traveled before he was three or fifteen years old. He came to Chang'an in Tianbao's years, and had no way to be an official for ten years, In the second year of Qianyuan (759), he abandoned his official post and went west to settle in Chengdu. At one time, he was a member of the Work Department of Jiannan Jiedu envoy yanwumu, so he was also known as the Work Department of Du. In his later years, his family moved eastward and stayed in Kuizhou for two years, Du Fu was a great realistic poet in Tang Dynasty and a world cultural celebrity. Du Fu was once a member of the inspection department of Zuo Shiyi and a member of the inspection department, so later generations called him Du Gongbu. He is good at ancient style and rhythmic poetry, and has a variety of styles, Du Fu lived in the historical period of Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline. His poems were mostly about social unrest, political darkness and people's suffering. His poems reflected social contradictions and people's suffering at that time, so he was known as "the history of poetry". Du Fu was concerned about the country and the people, with noble personality and excellent poetic skills. Du Fu wrote more than 1500 poems in his life, many of which were well-known throughout the ages, For example, "Sanli" and "Sanbie" and "collection of Du Gongbu" are handed down. Among them, "Sanli" are "shihaoli", "xin'anli" and "tongguanli", and "Sanbie" are "farewell to newlyweds", "farewell to no family" and "farewell to the dying". Du Fu's poems are the most widely spread in Tang poetry and one of the most outstanding poets in Tang Dynasty, which has far-reaching influence on later generations, Du Fu is also the descendant of Du Yu, a great general who defeated Wu in Jin Dynasty. Du Fu's distant ancestor was Du Yu, who was famous in Jin Dynasty. His great grandfather, Du Yiyi, once held the post of Gong Ling. His grandfather was Du Shenyan, a poet in early Tang Dynasty, and wailang, a member of the catering department. He also had his own autobiography. His father, Du Xian, held the post of serving orders from heaven, He met Li Bai twice and they formed a deep friendship
Du Fu is good at using many systems of classical poetry and developing them creatively. He is the pioneer of the new Yuefu Poetry Style. His Yuefu Poetry contributed to the development of the new Yuefu movement in the middle Tang Dynasty. His long may and seventh poems, as well as poems and history, spread out the narration and focused on the whole article, Du Fu also showed remarkable creativity in the five or seven rhythms, accumulated complete artistic experience in rhythm, antithesis, word refining and sentence refining, and made this genre reach a mature stage

Use Du Fu's spring hope to enlarge a composition of about 200 ~ 300 words
It's Du Fu's spring hope

It was spring, but Chang'an was desolate and overgrown with weeds. The chaos of war took away Anle, the downtown and the prosperity of the past. The only thing left was the dust and leaves all over the sky. The cold wind passed through and rolled up the dust all over the sky

About 50 words about Du Fu

Du Fu (712-770 A.D.) -- Zi Mei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. His ancestors came from Xiangyang, Hubei Province, and later moved to Gongxian, Henan Province. He was eager to learn since childhood and had great political ambition. He traveled all over the country and met Li Bai