How to write a composition of 100 words

How to write a composition of 100 words

No matter how cold or hot the people I admire stick to their posts and direct the traffic and pedestrians. He is: traffic police. Once, in summer, it was hot and people were as hot as steamed buns in a steamer. That day was Sunday. My mother and I were on the street, and I saw the traffic police. He was directing the traffic, and I

Find a 100 word composition
My teacher

As the ancient saying goes, "a gentleman's word is hard to recover." this ancient saying has been handed down to the present day. If you make a promise, you must faithfully fulfill your promise. Honesty and trustworthiness is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, which has been integrated into our blood for a long time

He is a kind man
400 words

Kindness and sincerity are the virtues of life, which are our pursuit as students and one of the standards to measure our moral standards. Today, the teacher put on a movie "warm spring" in class. The protagonist in the movie, Xiao Hua, is an orphan who falls at the entrance of Shaoyao village because of hunger and fatigue, All refused to adopt. Only a kind grandfather took Xiaohua home
Grandfather likes Xiaohua very much, and Xiaohua loves him very much. They go to the ground together, chop firewood, cook, and live happily. But Xiaohua's uncle and aunt hate her very much, and even try every means to cheat her out, but Xiaohua never hates them. Once, Xiaohua gave uncle and aunt the warm cakes made by her own hands and the rice given by neighbors, and said with a smile, "uncle, Auntie, this is the paste cake I made for you. "Looking at her sincere appearance, their hearts were moved. Inadvertently, my uncle spoke to Xiaohua, and Xiaohua immediately put down her work, ran to grandfather's field with a very fast speed, and told him the good news. The grandfather looked at her bloody hands, moved to cry Later, grandfather cut willow branches for Xiaohua to go to school, and Xiaohua lived up to expectations. After several years of study, she finally became the first college student in the village
Seeing this, I couldn't help but shed tears. I thought: a person's heart is not to hate, has more love and understanding, and tolerance, and constantly pursue the truth, goodness and beauty, and study hard, how difficult it is! Xiaohua is such a person, a kind person. This really should be an old saying: "without suffering, there will be no success"? Yes, Xiaohua has suffered countless hardships, Will have today's success. So we have to learn from Xiaohua to make one

"A kind man" composition 500 words
Write about the deeds of a kind person around you. What did he (she) do to make you feel that he (she) is very kind