The composition on the topic of "relying on yourself" should be no less than 1000 words

The composition on the topic of "relying on yourself" should be no less than 1000 words

Success depends on yourself
There is such a story in ancient Greek Mythology: when Antai, the son of the earth God, fights with the enemy, he can win only if he keeps his feet on the ground and constantly draws energy from his mother. When the secret is discovered by the enemy, he is cheated into the air and strangled because he can't get energy. This story tells us clearly: only by relying on himself can he succeed
Self reliance is the cornerstone of success. If Helen Keller only lives with the help of her parents and others after she is blind and deaf, can she learn to speak and become one of the greatest women in American history? If Zhu Yuanzhang, who once became a beggar, lives on the help and alms of others all her life, then she can become a real "Zhu Yuanzhang", The founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty? If Antai did not rely on his mother's strength, but studied hard with his mother, then he would not be strangled by his opponent. It can be seen that if a person wants to succeed, he must first stand on his own, then self-improvement, and create brilliance with his own hands!
Small snails without skeleton support do not have the protection of the earth like earthworms, nor do they have the protection of the sky like butterflies, so they have shells, which are heavy and hard, so they can survive in the predatory nature
Are not people the same? Baidu, the CEO of Sohu, Nike, the founder of Anta, which one is not self-made? They hold their heads high because they are relying on themselves; while the so-called "rich second generation", although they have a moment of pride, they will always be eliminated in the fierce competition. Therefore, what their parents have is not proud capital, What you strive for will last
When Dumas was famous all over the world, his son, Dumas Jr., had been withdrawn from his contribution for many times. If Dumas accepted his father's help, he might be much more successful for a while. But this result would only make Dumas Jr. be covered by his father's glory forever. So he refused, wrote and retreated, retreated and wrote again. With his unremitting efforts, he finally made a great success, His achievement even surpassed that of his father and won the affirmation of the world
Therefore, students, let go of holding your parents' hand! Let your own figure be left on the road of success. Fly and wander by yourself: only by yourself can you succeed!

The composition about traditional culture is about 1000 words

About 1000 words of composition on the topic of treasure

Many people and things in our life are like passers-by in a hurry. Maybe when we have them, we can't see their value and don't know how to cherish them. But once we miss them and lose them, we will find their value and find their significance and importance in your life
It's just too late to understand. No matter how you regret, it's futile to "know how early". That time has become the past. The things you remember and the people you miss have gone through your life. The rest is only regret, only regret, and even a lifetime of regret
Think about it, in our life, there are many things, before you don't know how to cherish, have become old things; and there are many people, before you have time to heart, have become old people
Those old things are like a afterglow in the dusk, which will disappear in the boundless sky, fade its color, fade its brilliance
And those old people seem to turn around, they are already people of two worlds. No matter what you miss or call, it's hard to change back to the past
Nature's spring, summer, autumn and winter can alternate samsara, and the four seasons of life, but through, there is no turning back
No matter how you feel, life has been moving forward, life does not sell round-trip tickets, some lost will never have, such as youth, such as time, such as life, so in the limited life, to cherish time, to cherish friendship, to cherish family, to cherish love, to cherish health, to cherish your possession
Most of the good things in life are ephemeral, so we should be kind to everyone around us, family, relatives, friends. We should pay our heart and love, cherish and enjoy the good time with them. Because many examples have told us that life is not always full of flowers, singing and dancing, parting and gathering
For better life and more enjoyment, please cherish your health and work
For the happiness of your family and the happiness of your family, please cherish your family and friends
For your happiness and your life, please cherish your friends and friendship
For your life, please cherish your life and time
Everything in life will have an end. To cherish what you have is not to miss it. To cherish what you have is to reduce the loss. To cherish what you have is not to regret it. To cherish what you have is the greatest possession. To cherish what you have, once you lose it, your pain will be minimized. When you look back, you will not regret for wasting your time, When facing the past people and things, you will not regret because of your indifference and neglect, but regret, because you have worked hard to pay, but also cherish the heart, be worthy of the heart, let it be
Maternal love is a kind of feeling that makes people feel warm; it is a kind of feeling that makes people feel dependent; it is also a kind of feeling that has nothing to reserve and infuses all the hard work. Maternal love is the mysterious and wonderful feeling that mother has for her children. Not only people have it, but also animals have it. However, family love is not dedication, not wishful thinking, although it is a kind of love that does not ask for return, But we should return it and cherish it
Maternal love is often the cause of everything; it is a kind of character; it is the motive force to achieve all goals. I remember when I was young, maternal love once made me strong——
I was very young that year and I didn't know much about it. Once when I was playing with my friends, I accidentally caught my left thumb by the iron door. At that time, I couldn't hesitate. I burst into tears. The cry almost spread all over the community, and the blood kept falling from my fingertips to the ground. My mother and I seemed to have telepathy. She put down her housework and rushed to the "place of the accident"
When she saw me, she immediately carried me to the road, and then took a taxi to the hospital
Along the way, my mother hugged me tightly. I found that my mother's look was not as calm as usual: she was a little pale and iron blue, and seemed to be scared. Although I was still young, I could realize that my mother was so worried because she was afraid of something wrong with me. How could I not feel guilty when I saw her like this? Nevertheless, naughty tears always fell down
When I got to the hospital, I was lying on the snow-white bed. The whole room was very quiet. There was no anesthetic. I clearly heard the conversation between my mother and the doctor——
"Madam, your son's thumb should be cut off..." I recognized the doctor's hesitation and helplessness, but I was stunned because I knew what he meant. Tears ran down my face again, and I fell into complete despair
But when I thought about it, my mother had already firmly rejected the doctor: "no
With that, my mother gently walked into the bed, kissed my forehead, picked me up carefully and left
On the way home, my mother's words have been echoing in my ears: "no cut!", "no cut!" I think, suddenly feel a strong backing is protecting me, let me feel extremely safe and warm
Until now, I understand that this is maternal love, a kind of care that everyone has
Some bad youth said: I have no maternal love. This is just their excuse. Everyone has maternal love, but they never cherish it
Maternal love can only accompany us for a while, but it can't accompany us forever. Only when we cherish it, it will become valuable. Maternal love is not used to show off, but to cherish. Because cherishing maternal love will make you learn more things that you can't learn in class

The motherland is a topic in my heart (more than 1000 words)

In the modern history of China, we can see the executioners holding bright steel knives, the blood sucking bats, the jackals with bloody heart and lungs, the eagles and dogs with their heads and the bright and dazzling blood! This is a national shame