Less than 1000 words and more than 600 words composition: Spring Festival in China Be realistic, southern, Guangdong, don't snow or anything

Less than 1000 words and more than 600 words composition: Spring Festival in China Be realistic, southern, Guangdong, don't snow or anything

Excellent composition 200 words. Autumn
Must describe clearly, the teacher is strict. In a hurry..... OK, raise the prize. I'll hand it in tomorrow!

Autumn is the harvest season. Soybeans, corn, sorghum are mature, tired to bend over. Autumn sky is very high, as if Pangu is still supporting the sky and the earth; the sky is so blue, as if a painter painted blue in the sky. The leaves of poplar are a little yellow, the autumn wind blows, the poplar is shaking, as if it is old and unstable

Excellent composition about stars (200 words)