10-5 / 9 = how much 3-20 / 27-2 / 9 = how much

10-5 / 9 = how much 3-20 / 27-2 / 9 = how much


Can 78 × (29 / 39 + 17 / 27) be easily calculated? If so, how?

Take it in, because 78 = 39 * 2
78 × (29 / 39 + 17 / 27)
Then it's like this. I have to ask for it myself
It's ok if it's a fraction of 26, because 78 = 26 * 3
But it's not:)

What is 1 + 2-344-5-6 + 7-8 + 9-10 + 9


Four seven are equal to 1,2,3,4,5,7,6,8,9,10
7*7/7/7=1 7*7+7*7=2 (7+7+7)*7=3 77/7-7=4 7-(7+7)/7=5 (7*7-7)/7=6 (7*7+7)/7=8 7+7/7+7=9 77-7/7=10

The rest hasn't come up yet