Use nine numbers 123456789 to form three three digit numbers, each number can only be used once, so that the second number is twice the first number, and the third number is three times the first number

Use nine numbers 123456789 to form three three digit numbers, each number can only be used once, so that the second number is twice the first number, and the third number is three times the first number

The sum of three digits = 6 times of the first number; the sum of three digits = 45, the sum of three digits is divided by 9; by calculation, the sum of three digits is divided by 18; the first number is divided by 3; the second number is divided by 6; the third number is divided by 9

The 9 numbers 123456789 make up 2 4-digit numbers, so that the sum is 10000. How many kinds of?

There are 48 kinds, the individual digit is 19, the ten hundred thousand digit can be 27 36 45, so the combination has 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 (multiply by 3 because the ten, hundred and thousand digits can be interchanged)

Put nine different numbers 123456789 into the circle to make the three equations into Li
( )+( )=( )
( )-( )=( )
( )*( )=( )


Use nine numbers 123456789 to form three equations a / b = C / EF = GH / LK
A / b = C / EF = GH / LK each letter represents a space filled with 123456789 and nine numbers cannot be repeated
