1, 11, 2112111112213122111112221, what's next

1, 11, 2112111112213122111112221, what's next

1, 11, 2112111112213122111112221, the next is 1113213211

Fill in the next five numbers 1,11,211211111221312211 according to the rule_____ ,_____ ,_____ ,_____ ,_____ ,
Full version of the title
One can create many sequences based upon patterns that are neither arithmetic nor
geometric.The following is one such example:
Determine the next 5 terms in this sequence.
I haven't thought of it for a long time. I'm so stupid

In fact, each line is the "Statistics" of the previous line, and the Chinese characters are removed
The first line: "1" statistics is: 1 1, remove the word "Ge", it becomes "11", which is the second line
Similarly, the second line can be counted as: 2 1, remove the word "Ge", it becomes "21", that is, the third line
Similarly, the third line can be counted as: one 2 and one 1. If the word "Ge" and "he" are removed, it becomes "1211", which is the fourth line
Similarly, the fourth line can be counted as: 1 1 and 1 2 and 2 1, remove the word "Ge" and "he", and it becomes "111221", which is the fifth line
Similarly, the fifth line can be counted as three ones and two ones and one one one. If you remove the word "Ge" and "he", it becomes "312211", which is the sixth line