There is a number which is both a factor of 18 and a multiple of 18. This number has a number which is both a factor of 81 and a multiple of 9. This number is not 9 There is a number, its maximum factor is 100, its minimum multiple is 100, this number is 100 A number is not only a multiple of 5, but also a multiple of 7

There is a number which is both a factor of 18 and a multiple of 18. This number has a number which is both a factor of 81 and a multiple of 9. This number is not 9 There is a number, its maximum factor is 100, its minimum multiple is 100, this number is 100 A number is not only a multiple of 5, but also a multiple of 7

There is a number that is both a factor of 18 and a multiple of 18. This number is 18
There is a number that is both a factor of 81 and a multiple of 9. This number is not 9, it is 27 or 81
There is a number whose maximum factor is 100 and its minimum multiple is also 100. This number is 100, which is not only a multiple of 5, but also a multiple of 7. This number may be 35 or 70
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If you have any questions, please ask, willing to answer questions
If you understand and solve your problem, please take it as the best answer_ ∩)O

What are the factors of 27? What are the multiples of 27?

The factors 1,3,92727 are multiples of 1,3,9,27

I'm a factor of 54, a multiple of 9, and I have two and three______ .

A number is a factor of 54 and a multiple of 9. At the same time, the factor of this number has 2 and 3. Because the least common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6, the number is 18 or 54. Therefore, I am a factor of 54 and a multiple of 9, and my factor has 2 and 3

I'm a factor of 30 and a multiple of 2 and 5______ .

A number is a factor of 30 and a multiple of 2 and 5. Because the least common multiple of 2 and 5 is 10, the number is 10 or 30. Therefore, I am a factor of 30 and a multiple of 2 and 5

I'm a factor of 54, a multiple of 9, and I have two and three______ .

A number is a factor of 54 and a multiple of 9. At the same time, the factor of this number has 2 and 3. Because the least common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6, the number is 18 or 54. Therefore, I am a factor of 54 and a multiple of 9, and my factor has 2 and 3