Natural number 62xy427 is a multiple of 99, try to find the value of 950x + 24y + 5? Can you explain in detail how each step comes from? I'm at a low level and can't understand it,

Natural number 62xy427 is a multiple of 99, try to find the value of 950x + 24y + 5? Can you explain in detail how each step comes from? I'm at a low level and can't understand it,

A number divided by 11 is characterized by the difference between the sum of odd digits and the sum of even digits being a multiple of 11. For example, 1529: odd digits (whether you count from the front or from the back): 1 + 2 = 3, even digits: 5 + 9 = 14, 14-3 = 11 (of course, odd minus even or even minus odd), so or this number is a multiple of 11

The sum of two natural numbers is 99, and the sum of their greatest common divisor and least common multiple is 231. What are the two numbers?

44 55
The sum is 9 and the product 20 is 4.5

The sum of two natural numbers is 99, and the sum of their greatest common factor and least common multiple is 231. What are the two numbers?

231 = 3 * 77 = 3 * 7 * 11
The greatest common factor is 11, the least common multiple is 220, and the sum is 99
=>The two numbers are 44 and 55