Observe the numbers in order: - 2,4, - 8,16, - 32,64. What is the number 2009 in this column Be clear and careful,

Observe the numbers in order: - 2,4, - 8,16, - 32,64. What is the number 2009 in this column Be clear and careful,

(- 2) ^ 2009 is - 2 ^ 2009
It's 2009 - 2 times
The first term is the first power of - 2, the second term is the second power of - 2, and so on, the second term is (- 2) ^ 2009

The number in one column is: - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16 ···· the number in 2009 is? The number in one column is: - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16

F = - 1 times 2
That is, the power of negative 2

Given a sequence of numbers: - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32,... Q: what is the nth number of this sequence?

The nth number is (- 1) ^ n × 2 ^ (n-1)

There is a column of numbers, arranged according to a certain rule: - 1, 2, - 4, 8, - 16, 32, - 64 Is it true that the sum of three adjacent ones is 1224? Please give reasons

Let the middle number be (- 1) n × 2N-1, then the first number is (- 1) n-1 × 2n-2, (- 1) n + 1 × 2n, ∵ the three adjacent sums are 1224, ∵ n × 2N-1 + (- 1) n-1 × 2n-2 + (- 1) n + 1 × 2n = 1224, ∵ - 1) n-1 × 2n-2 = 408, ∵ n-1 is even, ∵ n must be odd. ∵ 2n-2 = 408, ∵ n does not exist There are three adjacent sums of 1224, which is wrong

A column of numbers is arranged according to the rule: 1, - 2,4, - 8,16, - 32. The sum of some three adjacent numbers is - 1536. What are the three numbers? (if anyone can answer it as soon as possible? I will hand it in tomorrow.)

This sequence (- 2) ^ (n-1)
Let the sum of K + 1, K + 2 and K + 3 be - 1536
Then (- 2) ^ k + (- 2) ^ (K + 1) + (- 2) ^ (K + 2) = (1-2 + 4) * (- 2) ^ k = 3 * (- 2) ^ k = - 1536
We get (- 2) ^ k = - 512
We get k = 9
The three numbers are: (- 2) ^ 9, (- 2) ^ 10, (- 2) ^ 11
That is - 512 1024 - 2048

A set of formulas arranged in regular order: A2, the fourth power of a / 3, the sixth power of B / 5, the eighth power of a / 7,..., then the nth formula is ()

2n power of a divided by (2n-1)
That is, a ^ 2n / (2n-1)

A set of formulas arranged according to the law: the fourth power of a / 2, - the seventh power of a / 4, the tenth power of a / 8, - the 13th power of a / 16, the 16th power of a / 32,
The power of - A is 19 (a is not equal to 0) find the 36th term, what are the nth term and the (n + 2) term

The latter is multiplied by the former
-The third power of a / 2
Item n is
The fourth power / 2 of a times the N-1 power of (- A's third power / 2)

A set of formulas in regular order - A / B to the second power, a to the second power / B to the second power, the nth formula is


If a = (- 1) + (- 1) square + (- 1) fourth power +. + (- 1) 201 power + (- 1) 2011 power, and (AB + 3) square + | B + C | = 0
Find the value of 3a-2b / 5C
+(- 1) to the power of 2010, sorry

From the meaning of the question, we can see that if B = - 3 of a, C = - B, that is, C = 3 of a, then (3a-2b) / 5C = 2 3a-2b is to use + + brackets

There is a series of numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36. They are arranged according to a certain rule, then the number 2006 is different from the number 2007
