There is a series of numbers. They are arranged according to the rule of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 and 36. How much is the difference between the number 2000 and the number 2001?

There is a series of numbers. They are arranged according to the rule of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 and 36. How much is the difference between the number 2000 and the number 2001?

Question 2: - 2,8, - 18,32, - 50,72, --, -
——What do you fill in in? (- stands for minus sign)

This question is still difficult, but after careful study, I finally found that the answer to the first question is 49, - 64. The second question is - 98128

The law of "1, - 4,9, - 16,25, - 36" and "- 2,8, - 18,32, - 50,72"
Come on, it's going to be today

The rule of 1, - 4,9, - 16,25, - 36 is: an = - 1) ^ (n-1) * n ^ 2 (n = 1,2,3.), that is, when the number of items is odd, the term is the square of the number of items; when the number of items is even, the term is the opposite number of the square of the number of items - 2,8, - 18,32, - 50,72 is: an = - 1) ^ n * 2 * n ^ 2 (n = 1,2,3.)

I want to ask 1.2.3. - 2. - 4. - - 4. - 8. - What is the number 200

I used C language to calculate the value range of super long integer, so I didn't continue. The landlord can calculate it by himself. The result of the calculation will have more than ten digits, so I only make a simple analysis. You can take the six numbers from the front of the above data as a group, namely 1.2.3. - 2. - 4. - 6; 3.6.9. - 4. - 8. - 12 And

The following number is an array of four numbers: (1, 3, 5, 8) (2, 6, 10, 16) (3, 9, 15, 24)... What is the number of the 80th array

The first number is written according to the number, the 80th is 80, the second number is three times of the first number, the third number is twice of the first number plus the sum of the second number, and the fourth number is the sum of the second number plus the third number

There are arrays {1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 4, 6, 8}, {3, 6, 9, 12} Then the sum of the four numbers in the 100th array is______ .

Method 1: in this array, the sum of the numbers in each group is 10, 20, 30, 40. Therefore, the sum of the four numbers in the 100th number is 100 × 10 = 1000. Method 2: through observation, we can find that the relationship between the four numbers in brackets of each group is: the first number represents the group number, the second number is twice the first number, and the third number

3,9,6,8 an array 6,8 an array 6,3 an array 8 an array 3 an array find the rule and write an array

4,12,8,11 an array 8,11 an array 8,4 an array 11 an array 4 an array

There is an array of three numbers (1,1,1), (2,4,8), (3,9,27) What's the eighth array?

(1,1,1) = the square of 1,1 and the cube of 1
(2,4,8) = the square of 2,2, the cube of 2
(3,9,27) = the square of 3,3 and the cube of 3
So the eighth array is the square of 8 and 8, and the cube of 8 is (8, 64, 512)

Fill in the answer on the line__ (2) Two fifths=__ 6 out of 8 = 5 out of 16__ (4) 8 out of 32 = 8 out of 8___
(5) 11 out of 77=__ 1 / 2
(6) 9 out of 63=___ 3 / 3

(1) 3 out of 7 = 18 out of 42
(2) 2 out of 5 = 6 out of 15
(3) 5 out of 8 = 10 out of 16
(4) 8 out of 32 = 2 out of 8
(5) 11 out of 77 = 1 out of 7
(6) 9 out of 63 = 3 out of 21

Fill in 8 2 () 8 / 32 ()

8 2 (1 / 2) 8 1 / 32 (1 / 128)
The first number is four times of the last number