1 / 2, 1 / 4, 1 / 8. 1 / 16, 1 / 32. Find 1 / N (sign) Xiao Sheng is ready to go to bed

1 / 2, 1 / 4, 1 / 8. 1 / 16, 1 / 32. Find 1 / N (sign) Xiao Sheng is ready to go to bed


How much is 1 / 17 times 5 / 6 plus 5 / 9 times 4 / 17 plus 5 / 18 times 6 / 17

Can you write the next three numbers? 1. One third, one fifth, one seventh, one ninth, one eleventh , - (number 2013)

The rule is that the nth number is 1 / ((- 1) ^ n * 2n-1)
The last three numbers are one thirteenth, one fifteenth and one seventeenth
The number in 2013 is 1 / (- 4027)

Observe the numbers in the following order, and write the 10th and 2013 numbers respectively

10th: - 5 / 19, 2013: 1007 / 4025

Look at the numbers in the following column. Please write down the following three numbers. What's the number in 2012? One, one third, one fifth, one seventh
Minus one in eleven , - (number 2012)

1,-1/3,1/5,-1/7,1/9,-1/11,1/13,…… The number in 2012 is - 1 / 4023

Observe the following column number: - 2,4. - 8,16, - 32,64... What is the nth column number

-The nth power of 2
When the exponent is singular, the power is negative; when the exponent is even, the power is positive
Power refers to the whole number, such as (- 2) ^ 1; exponent refers to several powers, such as: ^ 1, ^ 2

-4,8, - 16,32-64 in this way, what is the 99th number and the 100th number

-4,8, - 16,32-64,... Another way of writing: (- 1) ^ 1 × 2 ^ 2, (- 1) ^ 2 × 2 ^ 3, (- 1) ^ 3 × 2 ^ 4, (- 1) ^ 4 × 2 ^ 5, then the nth number is (- 1) ^ n × 2 ^ (n + 1), the 99th number is (- 1) ^ 99 × 2 ^ 100 = - 2 ^ 100; the 100th number is (- 1) ^ 100 × 2 ^ 101 = 2 ^ 101, hope to help you

Observe the following column of numbers: 1,1 / 2,1 / 4,1 / 8,1 / 16. The 100th number is
Writing process

The general term of the above formula is: 1 / (2 ^ (n-1));
So the 100th number is 1 / (2 ^ 99)

There is a column of numbers, 4, 8, 12, 16... So what's the 100th number?

So the 100th number is 400

+1, - 1 / 2, + 1 / 4, - 1 / 8, + 1 / 16, - 1 / 32, + 1 / 64, - 1 / 128
Which integer will you approach if you arrange this column infinitely

The numerator is (- 1) ^ (n-1), and the denominator changes according to 2 ^ (n-1)
So item 15 is (2 ^ 14) 1 / 2 = 1 / (2 ^ 14)
If you arrange this column infinitely, it will be close to zero