There are 64 red and black glass balls of the same size. They are arranged in the order of three red balls and one black ball. What percentage of the total number are the two kinds of glass balls?

There are 64 red and black glass balls of the same size. They are arranged in the order of three red balls and one black ball. What percentage of the total number are the two kinds of glass balls?


There are several balls in the toy box, and the red balls account for 5 / 12. Later, eight red balls were put into the box, and the red balls account for 1 / 2 of the total number of glass balls. How many red balls were there in the box?

Suppose there are x red balls, then the total number of balls is 12x / 5
After putting 8 red balls, there are (x + 8) red balls, and the total number of red balls is (12x / 5 + 8)
The red ball is 1 / 2 of the total number of balls
The solution is x = 20
So there were 20 red balls in the box

Red ball 2, yellow ball 8, white ball 12 how to let them have the same probability

The least common multiple is 24. That is to say, if you touch the red ball, you will get 12 points, yellow 3 points and white 2 points. The final scoring probability is equal

There are four balls in a bag. A white ball, a yellow ball and two red balls. The probability of two red balls being red at random is

The probability of touching the red ball for the first time is 2 / 4 = 1 / 2
The second time was 1 / 2
So the probability of touching twice is 1 / 2 * 1 / 2 = 1 / 4
Is it wrong to write the question? What does it mean to touch the red ball twice? It's a red ball. The probability of a red ball being a red ball is 1

There are two red balls, two yellow balls and one white ball in the bag. What's the probability that two balls are one red and one yellow?

8 / 20.40% were red 1 yellow 1 Red 1 Yellow 2 Red 1 red 2 Red 1 white
Red 2 yellow 1 red 2 Yellow 2 Red 2 Red 1 red 2 white
Yellow 1 Red 1 yellow 1 red 2 yellow 1 Yellow 2 yellow 1 white
Yellow 2 Red 1 Yellow 2 Red 2 Yellow 2 yellow 1 Yellow 2 white
White Red 1 white red 2 white yellow 1 white yellow 2
A total of 20 may be two balls for a red and a yellow may have eight, so it is 8 / 20, that is 40%

There are three yellow balls, two white balls and four red balls in a box. The most possible way to touch a red ball is ()
It's the least likely to touch the white ball. What's the possibility

Red ball possibility 4 / 9
White ball possibility 2 / 9

How to put the ball in the box if the possibility of touching the red ball is 110, the possibility of touching the yellow ball is 25, and the possibility of touching the white ball is 12? At least how many balls?

In 110, 25 and 12, the least common multiple of denominator 10, 5 and 2 is 2 × 5 = 10, so at least 10 balls should be placed in the box, red balls should be placed: 10 × 110 = 1, yellow balls should be placed: 10 × 25 = 4, white balls should be placed: 10 × 12 = 5, a: red balls should be placed 1, yellow balls 4, white balls 5, at least 10 balls should be placed in the box

There are 20 white balls, 5 yellow balls and 2 red balls in the box. What are the possibilities of finding a white ball, a yellow ball and a red ball at will?
It is helpful for the responder to give an accurate answer

White ball
Because white balls account for 20 / 27 of the total
The Yellow bulb accounted for 5 / 27 of the total number
Red balls account for 2 / 27 of the total number
20 / 27 > 5 / 27 > 2 / 27

There are four red balls, five white balls and seven yellow balls in the box. There are () possibilities to feel a ball arbitrarily from the box. What percentage of the probability of touching a red ball is that of a white ball

There are four red balls, five white balls and seven yellow balls in the box. There are (3) possibilities to touch a ball from the box, that is, to touch a red ball, a white ball or a yellow ball
The possibility of touching the red ball is 4 / (4 + 5 + 7) = 1 / 4
Possibility of touching white ball 5 / (4 + 5 + 7) = 5 / 16
So the possibility of touching the red ball is (1 / 4) / (5 / 16) = 4 / 5 = 80% of the white ball

There are six yellow balls and several white balls in the pocket. They are all the same except for the color. If the possibility of finding out a yellow ball is 34, the white ball in the pocket is 34______ One

6 △ 34-6 = 8-6, = 2 (pieces). Answer: there are 2 white balls