Zhang Ming and Li Hong have collected 171 stamps. It is known that one fourth of Zhang Ming's stamp is equal to one fifth of Li Hong's? By arithmetic

Zhang Ming and Li Hong have collected 171 stamps. It is known that one fourth of Zhang Ming's stamp is equal to one fifth of Li Hong's? By arithmetic

171 ÷ (5 + 4) = 19 (pieces)
Zhang Ming: 19 × 4 = 76 (pieces)
Li Hong: 19 × 5 = 95 pieces

Li Hong, Huang Qiang and Zhang Ming have a total of 54 yuan. Li Hong uses 3-5 of his own money, Huang Qiang uses 3-4 of his own money, and Zhang Ming uses 2-3 of his own money to buy each
After reading the same extracurricular book, how much did each of them have?

Li: 6 / 10
Yellow: 6 / 8
Zhang: 6 / 9
Each: 54 △ 27 = 2 yuan
Li: 10 × 2 = 20 yuan
Yellow: 8 × 2 = 16 yuan
Zhang: 9 × 2 = 18 yuan

Li Hong reads 22 pages in 3 hours and Zhang Ming 15 pages in 2 hours. Which of them can read faster?

The leader is fast. Li Hong is 22 / 3, about 7.3 pages / hour. Zhang Ming is 15 / 2, about 7.5 pages / hour

On June 1 children's day, students used 180 small colored bulbs to decorate the classroom. 15% of the bulbs were red. How many other small bulbs were there?


At present, there are 16 different cards, including 4 red, 4 yellow, 4 blue and 4 green. Three of them should not be the same color
Then: and red card at most take one, the number of different methods is? 472, want to know why not 256 My solution: a total of C3 16, 3 colors are the same, there are 4C3 4, 2 colors are the same (including red up to 1) 4C2 4 × C1 12, the final answer is 560-16-4 (6 × 12) = 256

Wrong understanding. Three different colors mean three can't be exactly the same
No red
Choose 3 of the remaining 12 - 3 of the same color
12 * 11 * 10 / 6-3 * 4 = 208 methods
1 red
Choose 2 from the remaining 12

At present, there are 16 different cards, including 4 red, 4 yellow, 4 blue and 4 green. Three of them are required to be taken out, and they cannot be the same color
How many methods are there? Please use the direct method

First, choose any one of the four colors, and there are four methods of C (1,4) = 4;
Then take three cards of the same color, there are C (3,4) methods
There are 4 * 4 = 16 methods for the whole event

What color does red and yellow turn into

Red + yellow = orange
Red + blue = Purple
Red + white = pink
Red + Black = dark red
Yellow + Green = light green
Yellow + blue = green
Yellow + Black = olive green
Yellow + white = Rice
Green + blue = green
Green + white = light green
Green + Black = dark green
Red + Yellow + white = flesh color
Red + Yellow + blue = Brown

What color does yellow add to green

Green is a color obtained from blue + yellow, and then presents different color performance according to the proportion of yellow and blue, as well as adding different degrees of black, gray and white

What color is green and yellow
What color is grass green and lemon yellow 1:1?


What color does red, yellow and blue add up to?

Red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors. All colors in nature can be composed of red, yellow and blue. Red and yellow turn into orange, yellow and blue turn into green, blue and red turn into purple