After the price of a TV is reduced by 200 yuan, it is now selling for 1800 yuan. How much is the price reduced?

After the price of a TV is reduced by 200 yuan, it is now selling for 1800 yuan. How much is the price reduced?

200 △ 2000, = 0.1, = 10%; a: 10% reduction

The original price of a commodity was 200 yuan, but now the price is 30 yuan lower than the original price, which is several percent lower

The original price is 200 yuan, the price is reduced by 30 yuan, and then the percentage of price reduction is obtained by reducing the price / the original price by 100%. 30 / 200 = 15%

1. The cost of each product in a factory is 39 yuan, which is 25% lower than the original cost. How much is the original cost of each product?
2. The total weight of the two kinds of candy is 35kg. It is known that the weight of candy B is two fifths of that of candy A. how many kg of candy a and candy B have?
3. The chicken farm raised 3200 chickens this year, 3 / 7 more than last year. How many chickens did the chicken farm raise last year?
Not equations, but formulas
Good answer

Question 1 39 * (1 + 25%) = 48.75 yuan
Question 2 a 35 / (1 + 2 / 5) * 1 = 25 (kg)
B 35-25 = 10 (kg)
Question 3 3200 / (1 + 3 / 7) * 1 = 2240