The price of a product after 15% discount is 51 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this product?

The price of a product after 15% discount is 51 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this product?

51 / (1 - 85%) = 340, that is, the original price of this product is 340 yuan

The price of a commodity is increased by 15% at first, and then it is sold at a 15% discount
A. Equal B. high C. low

(1 + 15%) × 85%, = 115% × 85%, = 97.75%; 97.75% < 1, the current price is lower than the original

The children's clothes in a shopping mall are 15% off. My mother bought a set of children's clothes, which is 75 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this set of children's clothes


A set of children's clothing is sold at a 10% discount, which is 18 yuan cheaper than the original price. If it is sold at a 15% discount, how many yuan cheaper than the original price

Original price
=18 △ 10% = 180 yuan
15% off
=27 yuan