It's 45 yuan cheaper to sell a piece of clothing with 15% discount. How much does it cost? Formula

It's 45 yuan cheaper to sell a piece of clothing with 15% discount. How much does it cost? Formula

50% off for 45 yuan
That is 15% off 45 yuan
You can get 1% discount = 30 yuan
That is, the original price of the clothes is 300 yuan

The price of a garment after 15% discount is 54 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this garment

If the original price is x, the price at the discount of 8.50% is 0.85x
The original price x is 360 yuan by solving the equation

A commodity is sold at a 25% discount, which means that the current price is the original price___ %. it's cheaper than the original price___ %.

The current price is 85% of the original price; 1-85% = 15%; the current price is 15% cheaper than the original price

A set of clothes is sold at 20% off of the original price, and each set is sold at Y yuan. How much is the original price of the suit? How fast

Original price Y / 0.8 = 1.25y

What's the percentage of the original price for a brand of clothes at a 15% discount?
In a hurry

I'd like to introduce you. Generally speaking, it is divided into three categories: cost, price and actual price
The discount in the market is based on the price multiplied by the discount factor

A piece of clothing is sold at a 15% discount, and then a 5% discount. What's the original price?


To celebrate the national day, a kind of washing machine in department stores is sold at 25% off the original price, 225 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this washing machine?

A: the original price of this washing machine is 1500 yuan

To celebrate the national day, a kind of washing machine in department stores is sold at 25% off the original price, 225 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much is the original price of this washing machine?

A: the original price of this washing machine is 1500 yuan

The original price of an automatic washing machine is 3600 yuan. It's sold at a discount of 15% when the mall is holding a celebration. Mother has brought 3000 yuan. Can she buy this washing machine home

Wipe 60 yuan, so you may not be able to take it back

If a full-automatic washing machine is sold at 10% off the original price, the shop will earn 300 yuan; if it is sold at 15% off the original price, the mall will earn 175 yuan. How much is the washing machine

Suppose the normal selling price of goods is x yuan