A shopping mall has a sales promotion. All products are 25% off. The price of a sweater is 60 yuan cheaper than before. How much is the original price of this sweater

A shopping mall has a sales promotion. All products are 25% off. The price of a sweater is 60 yuan cheaper than before. How much is the original price of this sweater

Set the sweater price as X
0.75x=x-60 x=240

A store will raise the price of a commodity by 40% and then sell it at a 20% discount on New Year's day to thank new and old customers for their patronage. The price is 224 yuan. How much is the cost price of this commodity?

Suppose the cost price of this commodity is x yuan, from the meaning of the question: X (1 + 40%) × 0.8 = 224, the solution is: x = 200. Answer: the cost price of this commodity is 200 yuan

A store will raise the price of a commodity by 40% and then sell it at a 20% discount on New Year's day to thank new and old customers for their patronage. The price is 224 yuan. How much is the cost price of this commodity?

Suppose the cost price of this commodity is x yuan, from the meaning of the question: X (1 + 40%) × 0.8 = 224, the solution is: x = 200. Answer: the cost price of this commodity is 200 yuan

A store will raise the price of a commodity by 40% and then sell it at a 20% discount on New Year's day to thank new and old customers for their patronage. The price is 224 yuan. How much is the cost price of this commodity?

Suppose the cost price of this commodity is x yuan, from the meaning of the question: X (1 + 40%) × 0.8 = 224, the solution is: x = 200. Answer: the cost price of this commodity is 200 yuan